Laselle Review – Amber Canaan Talks Pelvic Floor Exercise Weights

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2 min read

Isn’t Amber Canaan just the greatest? If you’re anything like us then you’re probably a little bit in love with Amber after watching her video review of the Laselle Exercise Routine. Health coach and wellness blogger Amber is a self proclaimed “un-domestic goddess” – she doesn’t take life too seriously and we love her for it! As she says herself (in her fabulous southern drawl): “If you’re easily offended by the reproductive system, you’re gonna wanna leave”. If you haven’t left yet, you can watch her review below:

As a certified health coach and labor doula, Amber knows a thing or two about how to maintain a healthy pelvic floor. On top of this, Amber is also a proud mother of 3! During her review, she mentions the classes she took before the birth of her first child 9 years ago, and how much the instructor stressed the importance of a healthy pelvic floor for a healthy pregnancy.

Even if there is no pitter patter of tiny feet in your life – pelvic floor exercise has a lot to offer everyone. Amber discusses how important pelvic floor exercise is at preventing incontinence. As she points out “lots of things can weaken the pelvic floor over time” – so play it safe and keep your intimate muscles strong and healthy – and keep bladder weakness at bay.

“At this point, you’re probably looking at me like I’m completely nuts”

We’re not Amber, we promise! There’s absolutely nothing crazy about this super effective little exercise. Even if there was – one of the greatest things about using pelvic floor exercisers is that no-one needs to know that you’re doing them.

Overall, Amber describes the Laselle Weighted Exercisers as “a very easy and comfortable way to help you effectively strengthen those pelvic floor muscles”. So what are you waiting for? It’s time to work out!

2 thoughts on “Laselle Review – Amber Canaan Talks Pelvic Floor Exercise Weights

  • Trish says:

    Hi Amber, I’ve never been able to do these kegal excercises and as a result at 73 years young and having had two large babies, my virgina has prolapsed coming out of my body. It is uncomfortable and I would like to do something about it. I don’t know if these balls would help as I don’t think they’d stay in. Any suggestions?

    • INTIMINA says:

      Hi Trish – I’m glad you reached out. If you’re experiencing a prolapse, we highly recommend speaking to your doctor and looking for a referral to a pelvic health specialist. Laselle can help strengthen your muscles, but you may need a more specialized, guided therapy plan. I hope that’s helpful to you!

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